JW, are super Mute and Dumb congregations. My visit to Milton Keynes Convention today 21/07/2018.

Youtube video on this topic:-


You have heard of Jesus opening the ears and making a dumb man speak as in Mark 7v32-34:-

The Deaf and Mute Man

32Some people brought to Him a man who was deaf and hardly able to speak, and they begged Jesus to place His hand on him. 33So Jesus took him aside privately, away from the crowd, and put His fingers into the man’s ears. Then He spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34And looking up to heaven, He sighed deeply and said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means, “Be opened!”).…

Remember Jesus preached Gospel in Parables that only the twice-born of holy spirit, which is “common sense” or called SURTI in Punjabi could understand. In such Parables, Jesus wanted to convey to us the situation which the local Ruling Rabbis had created. The ruling Rabbis being empty of the Oral Torah, His Word on which the moral laws are based, they were just plying the dead letters of the Scriptures for their living as today are their worst counterpart the hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches of Mammon that fulfil Matt 12v43 -45 and have made the situation worse than before the arrival of Jesus. Remember that Judas Iscaiot was thrown out because he was stealing money from the Purse that he was holding and in the same fashion, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches do as their salaries proving beyond any doubts that they are serving Mammon and not God. Our Father gives us His Treasures, Gospel, Free and freely we have to give and not put a price as these Anti-Christ Priests do. In Jesus, everyone is to give his own account to God and we need a direct approach to God through His Word, the language He understands and He accepts such praises. Now, let me render the exposition of this Passage:-

32Some people, who were open-minded and not afraid of their Rabbi, brought to Him a man who was deaf because his Rabbi had told him not to listen to a third person but him only as I experienced with these JW organisers today and hardly able to speak or he was not allowed to say anything without the permission of the Rabbi or as these JW have literature given to their stooges and told that is what they have to speak or promote, and they, the grown up people of experience that brought the young boy groomed by the Rabbi and they begged Jesus to place His hand on him. 33. So Jesus took him aside, made him solitary of his own accord called privately, away from the crowd or completely “solitary” capable of finding and entering the Narrow Gate that leads to the Royal Vineyard of our Father where He has Planted the True Vine Christ Jesus, and put His fingers into the man’s ears to open to listen everyone and vet it in holy spirit or think logically to Brew Logo called His Word. Then He spit and touched the man’s tongue or the boy was grafted to the True Vine to eat the flesh of Jesus or what came out of the Mouth of Jesus called “Eating the flesh of Jesus”/our Daily dose of living Bread. 34And looking up to heaven, He sighed deeply that how bad were the Jewish Rabbis as compared with the Samaritan Rabbis, who had the knowledge of the Oral Torah and they imparted that knowledge to the desiring grown up adults of Age or the twice-born of holy spirit, common sense, as it was displayed by the Samaritan Man who picked up the wounded person or Letter killeth, spirit giveth life. The Gospel is received by the grace of our Father in heaven and said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means, “Be opened by the grace of our Father!”).

In a nutshell, I live in Reading and it took me more than four hours by public transport to reach the Stadium at MK and I had put on this T-Shirt, which is Light on the living Lampstand. First of all, most of them were looking at me but not in a welcoming tone but here comes a man who wants to disturb us, the same with Jesus when he used to go to his heavenly father Yahweh’s Temple and explain to them their Scriptures from the very basics as he did when he was 12. So, the stewards at the conference were not happy. First, I met a lady from Kenya, who seemed to be half Indian and she seemed to be friendly because I am Indian. I gave her my Book and my t-shirt design depicting the Christianity in a nutshell. She took it away; may be to show to their chief stewards and later on I met a Punjabi, my own Jatt tribe and we were talking together. Then, I gave to him my small article on Atomic War and as he was trying to read, two stewards approached him and he had to return the paper back to me. He said that he has taken a photo by his mobile. Let us see if he will contact me. After this two stewards approached me and openly told me that they do not like me to publicise my views on Christianity and showed my way out of the Stadium. I got my Bus back home and reached Reading home after 9 p.m. I don’t think JW people will come to see me at home or be pleased to know me. So, this is the living example of the Dumb and Mute people whom Jesus came to cure but the soft spoken anti-Christs, the middle men, are fulfilling Matt 12v43-45 making the situation worse than before the arrival of Jesus.

This Dark Age of Christ in your heart called “Innerman” is the Golden Chance to earn your Salvation.  

Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by Jesus, the First Anointed Christ of the Highest living God Elohim that dwells within us called “Emmanuel”. He was the First Anointed Light from our Father and Satguru = Christ Nanak, the Second Anointed and Greatest of all the Christs because he had to confront the Kings and Emperors of Darkness of Khatri tribal people against the people of Judah tribe, the Princes of Darkness that Jesus confronted. He came in 1469 and Preached Gospel to Perfection through Five more Lights for 150 years. Still, the Darkness couldn’t be comprehended. Then, our Father Himself came in the name of Royal King = Sache Patshah Gobind Rai Ji with His Consort, Shakti, Holy Spirit in the name of “Maha Devan” to sort out the stubborn sons of Satan with sword power. Sons have no authority to take the life but our Father and His Philanthropic Soldiers of Akal Purakh, Khalsas, the Puritans do have.





Once-born people are incapable of logical reasoning and, therefore, the logo is for the twice-born people of discerning intellect called the “holy spirit”, surtti or “common sense”.

So, if you want Gospel, then you must think logically over your own heart. Thus, listen to everyone and ponder over it logically in your own heart. Then, Gospel would be written over the living tablets of heart – 2corn 3.


Scriptures, the dead letters are “deadly poison” to Gospel.


Scriptures, the “dead letters” that the once-born people are taught in the universities and colleges, they are “old wines” or “milk for the babies”. This is the Jewish leaven which Jesus forbade.

The twice-born people of “discerning intellect” are like the “birds of the air” capable of “logical reasoning” to brew the “New Wine” within their own hearts. For this, you need to be “impartial and unbiased” like the little children.


Thus, you do not need to go to a university to know Gospel but a heart burning for “Gospel Treasures”.


University degrees in “dead letters” will turn you into a super donkey carrying “Holy Books”. “Letter killeth, spirit giveth Life”.


Typical Youtube Video on Son of God:-

Son represents Father, so in Jesus, we are the sons of Elohim and we should display His qualities for Salvation.


Natural bastards versus supernatural Bastards.


Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".


Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?




True Story.




Four types of loves:-



Family of God:-



Ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO

Solitary Royal Priests.

Test for twice-born:-





Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis

Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God


Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-





Trinity is explained:-

Playlist: - www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu


John's baptism:-



Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-

Punjabi Book:-





Also, the Brethren in Christ Jesus,


In Christ Jesus, we have relationship of our supernatural souls that has no colour or gender but being the sons of most High, we are Brethren.




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In the reply, I shall be too pleased to remove your email as Gospel is by His grace only. I am just a servant; freely I have received Gospel through “logical reasoning” and freely I give. Anyone who asks for donations, he is a crook and Anti-Christ. Remember, a Labourer of Jesus who cured a King of his disease but he refused to accept the parting gift from the King. Royal Priests do not sell Gospel as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests do sell their sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods.


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In the service of our Supernatural Father,


Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt, M.Sc.

Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy

K.N. U. S. T.

Ghana, West Africa.