
Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar. M.Sc.

Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy,

KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. W,Africa.

Hi Brethren,

I am a retired University Lecturer in Metallurgy and hail from Punjab, India where the Second Coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak took place in 1469 and He Preached the Gospel to the predestined people. In 1983, I read the New Testament and found it similar to Sikhism. Then, I wrote the expositions of the Parables of St. Matthew printed 1300 copies and sent them to the Universities and colleges worldwide. No response. Then, I moved from Ghana to England thinking that the people would be interested but found the people dead in the letters. I started going to Oxford University Seminars and again, I found them dead in the letters. I tried to tell the University Professors of Theology that John, the Baptist baptised the Jewish men in water and he never baptised a woman, Gentile or a Samaritan. They were not interested. So, I started putting my views on YouTube and it worked.

In Jesus or God, we hate none because the soul of our supernatural Father is in them. That is, what "Agape" stands for and the person who will receive the Gospel Truth is one in a thousand and two in ten thousand. The person receives the Gospel Truth by His grace only. No man can give the Gospel to another person. People who love Mammon hate the Word of God. A typical example is the COE proclaiming that the soldiers and the Vice Roys that died killing and fleecing the poor glorified God whereas the Salvation Army proclaims that their soldiers died for King and Country, which is the Gospel Truth. And I wrote an article that COE is nearest to Satan whilst the Salvation Army is to God. People didn't like this article and in the same sense, Christ Jesus was speaking the Gospel Truth exposing the hypocrite Temple Priests and they wanted to kill Him. Such is the Bitterness of the Gospel Truth that gives Life whilst the sweeter-than-honey sugar-coated "Falsehoods" lead to Hell. We suffered 1947 sectarian riots created by the politicians delivering sugar-coated speeches whilst my late father used to Preach the Gospel Truth and people hated him. If our Bridegroom Christ Jesus was hated for no reason, the same we can expect today. The Last Prophecy Matt 13v24-30 is being fulfilled and we should expect the Atomic War soon. I have the feeling that Israel would attack Iran on 14/11/2023 and that would divide the countries pro-USA and Pro-Russia ready for the Atomic War within a month. I can tell many things but you must be open-minded.

Israel belongs to the tribal sons of Isaac, the real son of Abraham. That is why Abraham took Hagar and her son Ishmael outside the boundary of Israel and made them settle comfortably. The people of Ishmael remained ever faithful and led a comfortable life under Pherohs. They kept their tribal instinct and morality high and lived peacefully whilst the sons of Isaac became arrogant and clever cheat so much so that eleven patriarchs were telling lies to their father Jacob and the one Joseph who was telling the truth, they hated him so that that they wanted to kill him but sold as a slave to the Egyptians who through morality and spirituality raised to the highest position of Prime Minister. Whilst Abraham to whom the Promised Land belongs kicked them out of the Promised Land as they were not the Salt of Abraham, the Father of the faithful only. The Elite sons of Abraham started to misbehave cheating and fleecing the Pilgrims visting their Holiest of the Holy Complex in the world. They made the Temple of Yahweh very beautiful and attractive and created a wall in the compound the Chosen People sitting in the front whilst the Gentiles at the back. Some visitors wanted to join them and the Temple Priest would circumcise the person making him the son of Isaac but they were telling their prey now you are a Jew outwardly. Circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac only but read Gen 17 and see for yourself how they dished out “circumcision” to others and made their own crook laws to justify their crook deeds that the Prophets objected and they killed them. Now, the greed originates from one’s heart, the seat of Elohim and such crook Rabbis/Priests were punished by Yahweh by inflicting leprosy. Thus, there were many Lepers in Israel; Prophet Elisha did not cure a single one but the clean-hearted Syrian General Nama. And how they took away the costly presents from Nama the crook Disciples of Elisha is well-known to you. Because the Chosen People were hardly the tribal people but the Jews outwardly and spiritually inwardly as the Nation of Samaritans were the Prophets, they hated them as well as the Last Prophet Elijah John, the Baptist and Christ Jesus, the Very Son of Elohim, Shams, the Middle Candle of the Menorah. They were happy when John was beheaded and so great was their happiness when Christ Jesus was crucified. No wonder these circumcised fake sons of Isaac are hating and spitting at the strangers. Thus, although the land Israel belongs to the tribal (144000) sons of Isaac yet how many proclaim to be the tribal people outwardly and spiritual Jew inwardly? Hardly any? So, today they are the Tares bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning expected soon after 14/11/2023 through Atomic War. So, German tribal Hitler killed the sinner Jews outwardly and this Super Hitler Putin is going to kill the Blasphemer USA and the West for destroying Iraq, the homeland of the Noble Abraham under the falsehood that Saddam Hussein had WMD and killed him too.  


Youtube Video:-

Hi Brethren,

You know that Abraham was a Noble Righteous Man and Yahweh Planted Him in Israel as Adam and Sarah as Eve, Promised Land, the Garden of Eden lacking nothing as compared to the land of Ishmael, the Egyptians but Eleven of your Patriarchs became unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh when they plotted to kill the righteous person Joseph but you sold him as a slave to Egyptians. After he had left the Promised Land whatever you were eating because of the presence of Joseph, that also stopped and you had to leave for Egypt to beg for food from the much hated son Ishmael but Joseph showed the inherited character of Abraham and he looked after you. Then, you suffered badly at the hand of a very cruel Pharaoh and Moses brought you back as the faithful sons of Abraham. The same land became lush green welcoming the faithful sons of Abraham who were lost but regained their Forefather Abraham in qualities. Jesus, the First Christ in the world told this exodus in the Parable of the Prodigal son Isaac and his people; Father is Abraham and the Elder son is Ishmael.

At the times of Christ Jesus, you had become unfaithful to Abraham by becoming Jews of appearances or outwardly and you were circumcising the people who were not the seed of Isaac; circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and no one else can have it or he becomes a super bastard fanatic Devil. Angel Stephen warned your people in the Temple that do not make the fake sons of Abraham by circumcising the Gentiles and the slaves but greed made you to kill Noble Angel Stephen. The Messianic Jews tried to enforce circumcision in the Church but they failed. But on entering the fold of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib, they succeeded in the widespread “circumcision and Kosher called Hallal”.  

Today, those very fake sons of Abraham Mohammedans especially in Iran are going to kill you and you have no one else to blame but yourself. This is well stressed by the second coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji of the Punjab, “DADA DOSS NAA DI JIYAE; DOSS KARMI APNIAN. JO MAE KIYIA SO MAE PAYIA; DOSS NAA DI JAYE AVAR JAANAH”. That is, you cannot blame a third person but yourself as you reap the reward of your past deeds. You can see Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc. are reaping the reward of their past deeds. Afghans used to raid India and loot people whilst the Kashmiris misused the religious knowledge in performing the satanic deeds.

So, the Chosen People are Noble men if they are faithful sons of Abraham but by becoming Jews outwardly of appearances and not inwardly spiritual of Noble heart, they have become Super Bastard Fanatic Devils – John 8v44 and they killed the very Spiritual Doctor in the name of Christ Jesus, who did nothing wrong that deserved the Crucification; this was the verdict of a Robin Hood type robber who was also crucified along with Jesus.

Further, Abraham was not a Jew of physical self but of the Semitic race otherwise the sons of Ishmael would have been Jews as well. The clever people of Judah tribe started Judaism and it were they who by making people Jew of appearances and thus breaking their covenant with Abraham. By doing so, such people became unfaithful to Abraham Anti-Semitic super bastard fanatic devils, the character they displayed in their first attempt to kill Baby Jesus when Yahweh sent Joseph and Mary to the care of the faithful sons of Ishmael but  the Jews outwardly, the Tares – Matt 13v24-30 succeeded at the end to crucify Him for exposing their hypocrisies.

Thus, Angel John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh, the creator and protector of Nature at large) baptised the unfaithful to Abraham Jewish Men of age in the name of Abraham to re-establish their Noble Covenant with Abraham, Salt of the earth and such twice-born people were seeking Christ Jesus, the Master Shepherd to become the solitary sons of Elohim, the Christs. But soon after the death of Jesus and the Apostles, the sacked Temple Priests entered the Churches to re-establish their lost authority as the ruling Rabbis and they killed solitary Apostles by throwing them before hungry lions to be eaten alive. Most of those Apostles were from the Egypt area and Hazrat Mohammed Sahib put a stop to their killing.

Much more in my 8600 Youtube videos; channel One God One Faith.

Here is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:-

Ask                   Seek                  Knock

 For further information, please visit my website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel One God One Faith.


Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The Gospel 

Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".

Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil? ""9HYPERLINK ""DqMvOHYPERLINK ""1HYPERLINK ""hbHYPERLINK ""0HYPERLINK ""U

True Story. ""201HYPERLINK "".pdf

Four types of love:-

Family of God:- ""1HYPERLINK "".htm

Solitary Royal Priests.

Test for twice-born:- ""89HYPERLINK ""iAI_cE

Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis

Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God

Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-

Trinity is explained:-


Johns baptism:-

Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-

Punjabi Book:-

Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-

Johns baptism:-